indian cinema heritage foundation

Kohraam (1991)

  • Release Date199
  • GenreAction
  • FormatColour
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time135 min
  • Length3971.04 metres
  • Number of Reels16
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingA
  • Censor Certificate Number1971
  • Certificate Date20/09/1991
  • Shooting LocationFilm City, Natraj Studio, Filmistan, Chandivali and Esel Studio

In the village of Rameshpuram the Thakur (Sadashiv Amrapurkar) and Kalia Singh (Amrish Puri) were all powerful with their vicious unjust rule. The whole village used to dance according to their tune. But in that same village an honest and respectable teacher (Vinod Mehra) on his own singular strength was trying to educate the entire village and improve their living. Thakur could not bear this. So, he made Kalia instrumental and managed to finish the teacher-he was murdered. The teacher's younger brother Arjun (Dharmendra) could not bear this grief of his brother's death. He aimed an axe at Kalia and wanted to kill him. However Kalia escaped and managed to catch Arjun. He was taking Arjun away with him but somehow Arjun luckily escapes from his hands. The teacher's wife Durga (Aruna Irani) vows in front of the Statue of Mother Durga at her temple that she may make her children brave as lions so that one day she may come back to the village and take revenge against Thakur and Kalia. Time passed by. Arjun always was in great grief owing to his separation from his sister-in-law who was just like his mother and her children. After a long time Durga came back to the village with his grown-up children. Munimji's daughter Radha (Sonam) falls in love with Vijay, Durga's son (Chunkey Pandey).

The unjust ways of Thakur went on increasing day by day. Thakur tried to molest the Puraji's daughter but Arjun foils his bid and he kills him. To take the revenge against the death of Thakur, Kalia comes to the village. Arjun and the entire village face Kalia, but Kalia succeeds in imprisoning Durga. Vicky, Vijay and Vishal make a deadly effort to release their mother, Durga. But against such great odds of the dacoits they became helpless and the dacoits caught them and tied them up along with their mother. Dacoit Kalia does not want to kill them by shooting at them. Instead he plans to give them all a very painful and agonising death.

How Dharmendra with his two hundred horses reaches Kalia's den? How he saves them from the frightening den of Kalia and finishes Kalia......this can be seen on the silver screen.

[From the official press booklet]



Films by the same director